Selenium Webdriver Version

2020. 10. 10. 07:46카테고리 없음

Selenium Webdriver Version


Selenium webdriver tutorialspoint

Download Firefox Driver For Selenium

  • Fixed New Session is not spec compliant
  • Fixed ChromeDriver shouldn't launch Chrome if Chrome and ChromeDriver versions are incompatible
  • Fixed Find Element command returns wrong error code when an invalid locator is used
  • Fixed Some ChromeDriver status codes are wrong
  • Fixed Compile error in JS inside of WebViewImpl::DispatchTouchEventsForMouseEvents
  • Fixed Window size commands should handle user prompts
  • Fixed ChromeDriver doesn't start Chrome correctly with Chrome option 'user-data-dir='
  • Fixed Status command is not spec compliant
  • Fixed Add support for strictFileInteractability

Selenium Webdriver Version

What Is Selenium Webdriver

Selenium 3.6.0 is also compatible with the prior versions of IE[7,8,9 & 10] and Firefox version 45.0 or greater and Chrome as well. It is compatible with most of the other Jars that have to be imported in the project for automation testing framework, which resolves a lot of conflicts before hand. The Selenium Server is needed in order to run Remote Selenium WebDriver. Selenium 3.X is no longer capable of running Selenium RC directly, rather it does it through emulation and the WebDriverBackedSelenium interface. Download version 3.14.0. To run Selenium tests exported from the legacy IDE, use the Selenium Html Runner.